Tuesday, January 19, 2021

About Patriot Day 2017

Some notes.

1. The nazis were smarter than us 2 weekends ago in Berkeley. If you'll take a moment, you'll notice they did not smash any windows, unlike, say, the BLM protests of, what, 2 years ago? Also, given that they appear demonstrably to be largely racists and sexists, there was very little shouting of racist or sexist epithets. Perhaps this has to do with the significant number of nonwhites who were for some reason among the ranks of the skinheads. Centralized control [I assume this would have been on the gang/ squad level corresponding to a medium-sized affinity group or several cells] has advantages. You can simply tell everyone not to break any windows. The antifa with its apparent ad hoc structure seems to lack this control.

2. “Punching nazis” seems a noble occupation. They concur, enjoying punching antifas just as much. I think punching nazis is not a worthwhile activity. I think violence only has an effect if it eradicates the undesired philosophy by eradicating the brain that bears that philosophy. This is ugly, illegal, and damaging to the perpetrator as well as the the former proprietor of said brain. I do not recommend it. Personally, I am seeking to conclude my current incarnation without committing murder of any kind, including the state-sanctioned variety. It is, however, true that in the course of human political interactions there is a point where it can truthfully be said that even people meeker than I will resort to murder. Beware.

3. Much violence, street demonstration, and other political activity is little different than the expressions of a group of any other primate expressing dominance over another. Let us not be chimps. Or Australopithecus, for that matter.

4. Violence has winners. And losers. It tends to cause more violence. Violence against material, though, may avoid some of the pitfalls of personal violence. This would include what Edward Abbey called “monkeywrenching”, or what science fiction author Bruce Sterling called a “structure hit”. This of course is a deep violation of our social contract, striking at one of the core values of our society, personal [or corporate] property. I have no idea what property is most valuable to the nazis who invaded Berkeley 2 weekends ago, but I did notice that the groups leaving the rally were small, isolated, and probably not headed to BART.

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