Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Quote on corporatism from fascist tract

From "Serpent's Walk", a novel propagating the racist/fascist point of view, set in the 2040's. A Nazi explains to a mercenary the party's methods and point of view:

"Let me bring the story up to date.

The SS—what was left of it—had  business objectives before and

during World War II. When the war was lost they just kept on, but

fromother places: Bogota, Asuncion, Buenos Aires, Rio de Janeiro,

Mexico City, Colombo, Damascus, Dacca—you name it. They

realized that the world is headingtowards a 'corporocracy'; five or

ten international super-companiesthat will run everything worth

running by the year 2100. Thosesuper-corporations exist now, and

they're already dividing up theproduction and marketing of food,

transport, steel and heavyindustry, oil, the media, and other com-

modities. They're mostlyconglomerates, with fingers in more than

one pie. Some of them are owned nowby the old-money interests;

the Japanese and various foreigncartels run others; the Born-Agains

have a couple; the Jews and theirbuddies control some big ones;

and we, the SS, have the say infour or five. We've been competing

for the past sixty years or so, andwe're slowly gaining."


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